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We have 5 guests online.

Join the Club

If you’re interested in lighters then why not become a member of the Club?

annual subscriptions


Rest of the World
£ 30.00
£ 36.00
£ 40.00

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Digital Subscription
£ 15.00

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* Click the appropriate "Pay Now" button according to your location.

** Please note that name, shipping address and e-mail registered with PayPal will be used unless otherwise requested. If you would like different details please attach a note to your PayPal payment.

*** If you wish to receive digital copy of "Blaze" only to your email address please use "Digital Subscription - Pay Now" button.



  • A quarterly magazine Blaze, lavishly illustrated with a high percentage of colour images;
  • Regular meetings where members can meet in a social atmosphere to buy, swap and talk lighters. At least two such meetings are planned each year. Our largest meeting takes place in September and is a two day event;
  • The interaction between members, either through meetings or direct contact, provides opportunities to obtain new publications and other literature on lighters, advice on repairs and more.

Subscriptions are paid with Paypal by clicking appropriate "Pay Now" button at the top of this page.

Click the appropriate "Pay Now" button and If you don’t have a Paypal account then go to "Create a PayPal account" link at the bottom right of the screen and follow the instructions.

For instructions on how to pay by cheque please contact Rob Wilkinson, the Club treasurer.

After cleared payment you will be automatically added to Blaze Subscription List.




  • The Lighter Club of Great Britain stores your data, such as address, phone number and email address securely;
  • We will only use it to advise you of Club events and other matters relevant to vintage lighter collecting;
  • We will not supply it to third parties, apart from the distributors of our quarterly magazine ‘Blaze’;
  • If you want your data removed from our database at anytime, please email Jack Bond or if you are not online ring 07740 167840.




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