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BLAZE No.134 and No.135 uploaded!

The summer break is over and we are back in the saddle!
We have uploaded not one but two Blaze magazine issues now!

Click the cover to read.

thumb blaze134 nov2013

Blaze No. 134:

- Dunhill Erlac;

- 11 golden rules;

- Round Coke bottle Zippo;

- Off The Cuff, part 3;

- Money for old rope;

- Elvis Prisley Zippo...


thumb blaze135 feb2014

Blaze No. 135:

- The Gorham Beauty;

- A lot of TLC;

- Kickstart your inspiration;

- Anatomy of Aluvac;

- Ultralite Zippo series;

- Ronson Jumbo...



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